The main functions for ROC analysis |
Carry out the ROC analysis |
Carry out the manyROC analysis |
Carry out the manyROC analysis with cross-validation |
Predict outcome for new data |
Calculate perfornamce for each pair of groups |
Merge 2 lists with manyROC CV results |
Do manyROC analysis with cross-validation for hyperSpec object |
Do manyROC analysis with cross-validation for hyperSpec object for each variable |
Management functions for ROC objects |
[!] Access elements of roc_result_list object |
Functions for cross-validation (CVO) ojects |
Create a cvo (cross-valitation object) |
Access information in a cvo object |
[+] Test if data in folds is stratified and blocked |
Functions for classification performance |
Performance measures for two-class classification |
[!!!] Extract the main information necessary for prediction |
[!!!] Performance measures |
Cohen's kappa |
Weighted Cohen's kappa |
Helper and utility functions |
Manage S3 class labels |
Get vector of variable values |
Set seeds for reproducible parallel computing with 'parallelMap' package |
Datasets |
Dataset of simulated fluorescence spectra |
Other functions |
ManyROC -- tools for ROC analysis |