Convenience functions that automatically map default ggplot2 aesthetics and enamble easy plotting of hyperSpec object with ggplot2.
Default values of aesthetics are
x = ".wavelength",
y = "spc",
group = ".rownames"
These functions can be used with in combination with as.long.df and its wrapper ldf that is more convenient for plotting.






List of name value pairs giving aesthetics to map to variables. See aes().


Parameters entered to aes_sp, aes_sp_ or aes_sp_string update and modify the list of mapped aesthetics. If default aesthetic (x, y, or group) has to be changed or removed, it shoud be done explicitly, e.g., aes_sp(x = NULL). See examples below.

aes_sp accepts unquoted variable names. It is alternative to aes()

aes_sp_string requires explicitly quoted variable names with "". It is alternative to aes_string()

aes_sp_ is alias to aes_sp_string.


#> Aesthetic mapping: 
#> * `group` -> `.rownames`
#> * `x`     -> `.wavelength`
#> * `y`     -> `spc`
   ## * group -> .rownames
   ## * x     -> .wavelength
   ## * y     -> spc

# To add aesthetics:

aes_sp(color = length)
#> Aesthetic mapping: 
#> * `group`  -> `.rownames`
#> * `x`      -> `.wavelength`
#> * `y`      -> `spc`
#> * `colour` -> `length`
   ## * group  -> .rownames
   ## * x      -> .wavelength
   ## * y      -> spc
   ## * colour -> length

# To remove defaul values of aesthetics, do it expicitly:

aes_sp(x = NULL)
#> Aesthetic mapping: 
#> * `group` -> `.rownames`
#> * `y`     -> `spc`
   ## * group -> .rownames
   ## * x     -> .wavelength

# To use `aes_sp` in combination with function `ldf`:

ggplot(ldf(Spectra2[1:10]), aes_sp()) + geom_line()

ggplot() + geom_line(aes_sp(), ldf(Spectra2[1:10]))