Perform a test of normality for each group separately. The available tests: Shapiro-Wilk (default), Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov), Anderson-Darling and other.

  data = NULL,
  test = "Shapiro-Wilk",
  p_adjust_method = NULL,
  groups = NULL,
  ss = signif_syms,
  hide_error_msg = FALSE

# S3 method for test_normality
  digits_p = 3,
  signif_stars = !is.null(ss),
  digits_stat = 3,
  format_stat = c("auto", "f", "g"),
  rm_zero = FALSE,
  legend = TRUE,
  show_col_method = FALSE,
  hide_error_msg = attr(x, "hide_error_msg"),
  ss = attr(x, "ss")

# S3 method for test_normality
  caption = NA,
  digits_p = 3,
  signif_stars = !is.null(ss),
  digits_stat = 3,
  format_stat = c("auto", "f", "g"),
  rm_zero = FALSE,
  legend = TRUE,
  show_col_method = FALSE,
  hide_error_msg = attr(x, "hide_error_msg"),
  ss = attr(x, "ss")



Either a formula, a numeric vector or a name of a column in data.

  • If y is a formula (e.g. variable ~ factor), left-hand side provides the name of a variable to be tested. In the right-hand side there are names of factor variables to be used to create subsets. If the left-hand side is empty (e.g. ~ factor), right-hand side is treated as variable name to test.


(data frame|NULL)
Either a data frame that contains the variables mentioned in y or NULL (if the variables are in the function's environment).


(string | function)
Either a function that carries out a normality test or a string (case insensitive, maybe unambiguously abbreviated) with a name of a normality test. Possible names of tests:

  • "SW", "Shapiro-Wilk" — for Shapiro-Wilk test;

  • "Lilliefors" — for Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with Lilliefor's correction;

  • "AD", "Anderson-Darling" — for Anderson-Darling test;

  • "CVM", "CM", "Cramer-von Mises" — for Cramer-von Mises test;

  • "SF", "Shapiro-Francia" — for Shapiro-Francia test;

  • "Chi-squared","Pearsons" — for Pearson's chi-squared test of normality.


A name of p value adjustment method for multiple comparisons. For available methods check stats::p.adjust.methods(). If NULL, no adjusted p value is calculated (default). If string (e.g., "holm"), an additional column p.adjust is calculated.


Further parameters to the function of normatity test.


An alternative way to provide groups. If y is a numeric vector, groups must be a factor (or NULL). If y is a sting, groups must also be a string (or NULL).


# FIXME: not documented


If FALSE column "error_msg" is not printed. If TRUE the column is printed if error occurs in calcultations. Default is FALSE.


normality_test object.


(numeric) Number of significant digits to round a p value to. No less than 2.

  • if digits_p = 2:

    1. values below 0.001 are printed as "<0.001";

    2. values between 0.001 and 0.01 as "<0.01";

    3. all other values are rounded to two decimal places.

  • if digits_p = 3, only formatting "<0.01" is skipped.


If TRUE, significance stars are printed.


Either a number of decimal places or number of significant digits to round test statistic to.


Number format "f", "g" or "auto" (default) for test statistic. More about number formats "f" and "g" you can find in documentation of function base::formatC() section format.


(logical) Flag if leading zero before the point should be removed.


If TRUE, legend for significance stars is printed.


If FALSE column "method" is not printed. Default is FALSE.


A caption for the table with results of a normality test. If NA — a default caption is printed (default). If NULL – no caption is printed.


  • Function test_normality returns a data frame with normality test results for each group.

  • print and pander methods format and print the results. By default, methods print.test_normality and pander.test_normality do not print column called "method".

See also


library(biostat) library(pander) data(CO2) # For whole dataset test_normality(~uptake, data = CO2)
#> #> The results of Shapiro-Wilk normality test #> #> statistic p.value #> 1 0.941 <0.001 *** #> #> *** - p < 0.001, ** - p < 0.01, * - p < 0.05, . - p < 0.1
# For each subgroup test_normality(uptake ~ Treatment, data = CO2)
#> #> The results of Shapiro-Wilk normality test #> #> Treatment statistic p.value #> 1 nonchilled 0.945 0.043 * #> 2 chilled 0.898 0.001 ** #> #> *** - p < 0.001, ** - p < 0.01, * - p < 0.05, . - p < 0.1
# For each subgroup by several factor variables rez <- test_normality(uptake ~ Type + Treatment, data = CO2) rez
#> #> The results of Shapiro-Wilk normality test #> #> Type Treatment statistic p.value #> 1 Quebec nonchilled 0.825 0.002 ** #> 2 Quebec chilled 0.853 0.005 ** #> 3 Mississippi nonchilled 0.855 0.005 ** #> 4 Mississippi chilled 0.948 0.315 #> #> *** - p < 0.001, ** - p < 0.01, * - p < 0.05, . - p < 0.1
# Modify printed output print(rez, rm_zero = TRUE)
#> #> The results of Shapiro-Wilk normality test #> #> Type Treatment statistic p.value #> 1 Quebec nonchilled .825 .002 ** #> 2 Quebec chilled .853 .005 ** #> 3 Mississippi nonchilled .855 .005 ** #> 4 Mississippi chilled .948 .315 #> #> *** - p < 0.001, ** - p < 0.01, * - p < 0.05, . - p < 0.1
print(rez, digits_p = 2)
#> #> The results of Shapiro-Wilk normality test #> #> Type Treatment statistic p.value #> 1 Quebec nonchilled 0.825 <0.01 ** #> 2 Quebec chilled 0.853 <0.01 ** #> 3 Mississippi nonchilled 0.855 <0.01 ** #> 4 Mississippi chilled 0.948 0.31 #> #> *** - p < 0.001, ** - p < 0.01, * - p < 0.05, . - p < 0.1
# Choose another test of normality rez2 <- test_normality(uptake ~ Type + Treatment, data = CO2, test = "chi-sq") rez2
#> #> The results of Pearson chi-square normality test #> #> Type Treatment statistic p.value #> 1 Quebec nonchilled 13.3 0.010 ** #> 2 Quebec chilled 13.3 0.010 ** #> 3 Mississippi nonchilled 10.0 0.040 * #> 4 Mississippi chilled 5.3 0.255 #> #> *** - p < 0.001, ** - p < 0.01, * - p < 0.05, . - p < 0.1
# Print as a 'pandoc' table (for R Markdown reports) pander(rez)
#> #> ------------------------------------------------- #> Type Treatment statistic p.value #> ------------- ------------ ----------- ---------- #> Quebec nonchilled 0.825 0.002 ** #> #> Quebec chilled 0.853 0.005 ** #> #> Mississippi nonchilled 0.855 0.005 ** #> #> Mississippi chilled 0.948 0.315 #> ------------------------------------------------- #> #> Table: The results of Shapiro-Wilk normality test. #> #> *** - p < 0.001 #> ** - p < 0.01 #> * - p < 0.05 #> . - p < 0.1
pander(rez, digits_stat = 2)
#> #> ------------------------------------------------- #> Type Treatment statistic p.value #> ------------- ------------ ----------- ---------- #> Quebec nonchilled 0.83 0.002 ** #> #> Quebec chilled 0.85 0.005 ** #> #> Mississippi nonchilled 0.86 0.005 ** #> #> Mississippi chilled 0.95 0.315 #> ------------------------------------------------- #> #> Table: The results of Shapiro-Wilk normality test. #> #> *** - p < 0.001 #> ** - p < 0.01 #> * - p < 0.05 #> . - p < 0.1
pander(rez, digits_p = 2)
#> #> ------------------------------------------------- #> Type Treatment statistic p.value #> ------------- ------------ ----------- ---------- #> Quebec nonchilled 0.825 <0.01 ** #> #> Quebec chilled 0.853 <0.01 ** #> #> Mississippi nonchilled 0.855 <0.01 ** #> #> Mississippi chilled 0.948 0.31 #> ------------------------------------------------- #> #> Table: The results of Shapiro-Wilk normality test. #> #> *** - p < 0.001 #> ** - p < 0.01 #> * - p < 0.05 #> . - p < 0.1
pander(rez, digits_p = 4, signif_stars = FALSE)
#> #> ------------------------------------------------ #> Type Treatment statistic p.value #> ------------- ------------ ----------- --------- #> Quebec nonchilled 0.825 0.0016 #> #> Quebec chilled 0.853 0.0048 #> #> Mississippi nonchilled 0.855 0.0052 #> #> Mississippi chilled 0.948 0.3147 #> ------------------------------------------------ #> #> Table: The results of Shapiro-Wilk normality test. #>
if (FALSE) { # View unformatted results in a separate window View(rez) } # Show object's class class(rez)
#> [1] "test_normality" "data.frame"